About Us

Mattress Month is a division of Mattress Fundraising Solutions, the leader in Mattress Fundraising.  We care about you and your organization’s needs. Whether it’s new football helmets, new robes for a church choir, new technology for a classroom, or anything else that requires significant funding – we are here to help.

What Do We Do?

We specialize in special events and online fundraisers! Mattress Fundraising Solutions will establish a plan, strategize and design a custom event for your organization, and facilitate the sales process. . . All from the comfort of your own property or your computer. Mattress Fundraising Solutions provides a turn-key model. Our failsafe model has never let us down with a fundraiser, and it won’t let you down either.

Raise money, build community, and make sure needs are being met. Sounds like a recipe for success!

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